jueves, 29 de abril de 2010
the spread's potatoe
the regions most densely populated are in the northern hemisphere, where more than 90% of the world's population lives, the people also prefere the temperate zone, especially between 20º and 50º latitude north.In every countries, urban areas are usually much more densely populated than rural areas, because in the cities there are a lot of work and more social life.The people prefere the warm climate because of that there are more people in teh coast zones.
WHICH ARE THE MOST DENSELY POPULATED COUNTRIES? Is all territory densely populated.
the mos densely populated countries are China and India with a population about 2,500 million people, almos 40% of the world's population.In India the cities most densely populated are Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Myderabad, these are the zones warmest of the India, and the mostly of the cities are coast zones.
in china the most densely populated zones are Shangahai, Wuhart, Hong kong, Zaozhuang, Chongging, Chengdu, these cities are also in the coast zones
lunes, 19 de abril de 2010
1. (a) Describe the event that is taking place in the source
shown on the right.
__Chistians should be taught that one who gives to the poor, or lends to the needy, does a better action than if the purchases indulgences. Since the pope's income today is larger than that of the wealthiest of wealtry men, why does he not build this one church of Saint Peter which his own money, rather than with money of indigent believes ?
(b)Mention one immediate consequence of this event.
_Martin Luther was excomunitated by the Pope. From that moment Luther's ideas __spread. The Lutherans was against the catholic church.
1. Explain the following terms:
(a)justification by faith: this doctrine was based on predestination: people are condemned or saved before they are born.
(b) indulgences: in Catholic theology, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven.
(c) Papal bull: it was a religion law.
(d) excommunicated: is a religious censure used to deprive or suspend membership in a religious community.
(e) heretic: is a person who committed heresy
(f) clerical celibacy: is the law which forbade to the clergy to get married or have sexual relation.
2. Write briefly four important landmarks in the life of Martin Luther.
His marriage with Catalina Bora on June 13, 1525 initiated a movement of support to the priestly marriage inside many Christian currents. He did 95 indulgences.
1. Why was the Council of Trent summoned? Because the church want to fight against the protestant ___________________________
2. Identify three conclusions reached at this Council.
(a) _______new ways of spreading catholicism were created_____________________________________________________________
(b) new religius orders was created_________________________________________________________________
(c) __the clergy built seminarios__________________________________________________________________
3. Name five countries in Europe where the Counter-Reformation was successful and one country
where it was not.
(a) Successful in: ___spain, france, romania, italy, Bulgary. _______________________________________________________
- The plague: it was a illness which died more than a cuarter of the population. It broke in Europe in 1348.
- The Black Death: is the same
- Bourgueoisie: they were very influential too it was made up of rich and powerfull merchants.
- bureaucracy: it was a centralised administration which depended directly on the monarch.
- army: it was trops were paid by the monarch and followed his orders.
- diplomatic: it was a system to maintain relation with oder countrys
- autoritarian monarchies: they were formed by the monarchs.
- Ivan the Great: he unified Rusia. He annexed new territories and made himself emperor
- Henry VIII: he increased royal power in the early 16 century in England.
- Charles VII: he unified France and consolidated their power.
- Francis I: he helped Charles VII to unified France.
- Catholic Monarchs: they were Isabella and Ferdinand. They governed the territories.
- Holy brotherhood: a judicial police force to fight against bandins and the abuses of the nobility.
- Royal Council: it was the highest judicial body.
- Corregidores: they established royal authority in the towns.
- Treasury: it was the system which controlled the paid and finances.
- Tribunal of the Inquisition: they prosecuted the heretics.
- conversos: they were Jews who became to christiany.
- Mudejares: they were spanish muslims who lived in Spain
- Moriscos: muslims who converted to christianity.
jueves, 15 de abril de 2010
- Marco Polo: he was an important person in the 15 century. He show China, Japan and India and he brought silk and spices to Europe.
- Technical advances: it was technical which improved navegation.
- Portulan Charts: there were new maps which showed the coastline and any obstacles at sea.
- Compass: it was a navigational instrument,
- astrolabe:
- Quadrant:
- Caravels: it was a ship which was improved and could travel longer distances.
- Prince Henry the Navigator: he descovered the Madeira Island and the Azores. Later he explored the African coast.
- Bartolomeu Dias: he rounded the cape of Good Hope opening the sea route to the Indian Ocean.
- Vasco de Gama: he reached India and he found out a new route between Europe and Asia.
- Christopher Columbus: he was a genoese sailor. He reached the America but he thought he had reached Cipango.
- Ferdinand Magallan: he found a passage between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. This passage was named Strait of Magallanes.
- Juan Sebastian Elcano: he was Magallanes'second -in-command. He continued with the Magallan's expedition after his died.
- Overseas empires: there are empires which had territories in both parts of the oceans.
- Treaty of Tordesillas: it was a divided of the terrotories between Spain and Portugal
- Indigenous population of America: they were the people were born in America.
Work:El Escorial
Type of work: architecture
Function or Subject: religious subject
Decoration or Characteristics: architectonics elements
Auteur: Raphael Sanzio
Work: La sagrada familia
Type of work: picture
Function or Subject: religious subject
Decoration or Characteristics: Oleo sobre lienzo pintado a mano
Auteur: Donatello
Work: el David
Type of work: sculpture
Function or Subject: tema bíblico
Decoration or Characteristics: es una escultura de bronce de 158 cm de alturaActualmente se encuentra en el Museo del Bargello. Es una obra representativa del quattrocento italiano y tiene un aire inequívocamente clásico debido a su desnudez y a su composición claramente praxiteliana.