jueves, 15 de abril de 2010


  1. Marco Polo: he was an important person in the 15 century. He show China, Japan and India and he brought silk and spices to Europe.
  2. Technical advances: it was technical which improved navegation.
  3. Portulan Charts: there were new maps which showed the coastline and any obstacles at sea.
  4. Compass: it was a navigational instrument,
  5. astrolabe:
  6. Quadrant:
  7. Caravels: it was a ship which was improved and could travel longer distances.
  8. Prince Henry the Navigator: he descovered the Madeira Island and the Azores. Later he explored the African coast.
  9. Bartolomeu Dias: he rounded the cape of Good Hope opening the sea route to the Indian Ocean.
  10. Vasco de Gama: he reached India and he found out a new route between Europe and Asia.
  11. Christopher Columbus: he was a genoese sailor. He reached the America but he thought he had reached Cipango.
  12. Ferdinand Magallan: he found a passage between Atlantic and Pacific Ocean. This passage was named Strait of Magallanes.
  13. Juan Sebastian Elcano: he was Magallanes'second -in-command. He continued with the Magallan's expedition after his died.
  14. Overseas empires: there are empires which had territories in both parts of the oceans.
  15. Treaty of Tordesillas: it was a divided of the terrotories between Spain and Portugal
  16. Indigenous population of America: they were the people were born in America.

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