1. (a) Describe the event that is taking place in the source
shown on the right.
__Chistians should be taught that one who gives to the poor, or lends to the needy, does a better action than if the purchases indulgences. Since the pope's income today is larger than that of the wealthiest of wealtry men, why does he not build this one church of Saint Peter which his own money, rather than with money of indigent believes ?
(b)Mention one immediate consequence of this event.
_Martin Luther was excomunitated by the Pope. From that moment Luther's ideas __spread. The Lutherans was against the catholic church.
1. Explain the following terms:
(a)justification by faith: this doctrine was based on predestination: people are condemned or saved before they are born.
(b) indulgences: in Catholic theology, is the full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven.
(c) Papal bull: it was a religion law.
(d) excommunicated: is a religious censure used to deprive or suspend membership in a religious community.
(e) heretic: is a person who committed heresy
(f) clerical celibacy: is the law which forbade to the clergy to get married or have sexual relation.
2. Write briefly four important landmarks in the life of Martin Luther.
His marriage with Catalina Bora on June 13, 1525 initiated a movement of support to the priestly marriage inside many Christian currents. He did 95 indulgences.
1. Why was the Council of Trent summoned? Because the church want to fight against the protestant ___________________________
2. Identify three conclusions reached at this Council.
(a) _______new ways of spreading catholicism were created_____________________________________________________________
(b) new religius orders was created_________________________________________________________________
(c) __the clergy built seminarios__________________________________________________________________
3. Name five countries in Europe where the Counter-Reformation was successful and one country
where it was not.
(a) Successful in: ___spain, france, romania, italy, Bulgary. _______________________________________________________
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